Baroness Twycross Shares Vision of Better, Safer Gambling Industry Contributing to Growth Agenda

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Law & Politics Legislation
Alan Evans

Updated by Alan Evans

News Writer

Last Updated 28th Feb 2025, 04:52 PM

Baroness Twycross Shares Vision of Better, Safer Gambling Industry Contributing to Growth Agenda

Baroness Twycross delivered a keynote speech on the future of responsible gambling at a BGC conference. (Image: BGC)

In a keynote speech to industry leaders and members of the Betting and Gaming Council (BGC), Baroness Twycross sets out her vision for a gambling industry that is better, safer, and contributes to the government’s growth agenda.  

Speaking at the BGC event in London on Friday, Feb 27, the Baroness said: “It was a huge privilege to be appointed as the government's gambling minister last year and I'd like to thank everyone I've met so far. For sharing your knowledge and perspectives on your sector.”

She said that she was particularly grateful to Michael Dugher and Grainne Hurst for their constructive engagement on key issues facing the sector.

The Baroness said: “Whilst you're all clearly facing different issues, I recognise that there are key similarities, but one thing you all have in common is your experience and your passion for the sector, for getting things done in my short time in post and appreciation, and you have seen quite a few ministers over the last few years."

Speaking about the value of the gambling industry, Baroness Twycross said: “I've seen the value this sector brings, not just in tax receipts and jobs created, but also as a leisure activity, for example, through a day at the races enjoying a game of bingo or time spent in a seaside arcade. 

"I enjoyed being shown around the Grosvenor Casino in Liverpool last year and the Hippodrome early this month and I look forward to visiting more venues as soon as possible.” 

Labour’s Plans for Economic Growth 

Speaking to members about the Labour Government’s plans for economic growth Baroness Twycross said: “You will know that the government is focused on economic growth, and I genuinely believe that a growing gambling sector is compatible with creating an even safer one. 

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Baroness Twycross addresses industry leaders at the Betting and Gaming Council event in London. (Image: BGC)

"I want a gambling sector in this country that we can all be proud of, one that offers good jobs and interesting careers and brings social value and is one that people enjoy while having vital protections in place, as set out in our manifesto.  As you'll be aware, we're also committed to reducing harm.” 

The Baroness continued: “The licensed regulated gambling industry is a crucial part of that picture, and I am keen to work with you to see a safer, more responsible gambling industry. It's in all our interests. I know that the vast majority of people who gamble. Do so without causing harm, but it is in our interests that we do better for those customers who could be vulnerable to gambling harm.” 

Speaking about her experiences of engagement with operators in the industry and members of the BGC, Baroness Twycross said: “I found it really helpful when talking to you, hearing from a number of you about the measures you're already taking. Thank you for the work you've already done.

“I'm pleased to be able to use this opportunity today to update you on significant progress on key reforms that deliver on the government's agenda and on the white paper. I'm sure many of you will have followed the progress of the statutory gambling levy in Parliament over the last few weeks.”

BGC Largely Supportive of Statutory Levy 

Baroness Twycroft then turned to legislation and the statutory levy. She said: “The legislation has been affirmed now by both houses and became law on Tuesday this week. It will come into force on April 6, and operators will be required to make their first levy payments by Oct 1.

“I know the BTC has been largely supportive of the introduction of a levy, and we recognise the work done by the sector through the voluntary sector. The voluntary levy previously. This is a huge step forward for the sector and we'll see increased investment to expand projects and services to reduce harmful gambling.”

“I know that we have a shared aim in this area. The financial support that BGC members have given to research, prevention and treatment services has enabled people in need access to crucial treatment services and laid a foundation which the levy can build on.

"It is vital that funding for these services is maintained in the transition to the levy. I welcome the BG CS commitment that this will be delivered.”

Levy Funds Will Tackle Gambling Harms and Aid Research 

Speaking about where some of the levy would be spent The Baroness said, “We have now appointed the commissioning bodies for research, prevention and treatment. 

“We're working at pace with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities NHS England, UK Research and Innovation, and with partners in Scotland and Wales to build robust foundations for the future. 

"It's crucial that we put the right commissioning, accountability and governance arrangements in place. We want to build on the successes of the current system, but the levy will mean more funding certainty.

“The revenue will allow the expert bodies we've appointed to boost efforts to further understand, tackle and treat gambling harm. The best evidence will guide us and the commissioning bodies in securing funding where it is most necessary.”

New Stake Limits on Slots Made Into Law

Baroness Twycroft then went on to speak about stake limits on slots. She said: “The online slot stake limits statutory instrument was also made into law on Tuesday. I know you're keen to understand exactly when these state limits will come into force.

“I can confirm the £5 limit will be enforced on the 9th of April. While the £2 limit for younger adults will be enforced on May 21, I know that implementing these state limits is a technical challenge, and I'm grateful for the work you've done in preparation for this moment.”

New Changes to Benefit Land-Based Casinos 

Land-based casinos were next on the list for the Baroness. She said, "I can also confirm that we're moving forward with measures to modernise regulations for land-based casinos."

“These changes will allow casinos to offer up to 80 gaming machines, mirroring the rules for small 2005 at casinos. There will be a sliding scale of machine entitlements, meaning that smaller casinos can also benefit from more machines commensurate with their size.

“We'll also allow sports betting in all casinos, giving operators the opportunity to expand their product offering. These changes will unlock investment in the casino sector and should provide an economic boost for both operators and machine manufacturers.

“We're working as quickly as we can to ensure that legislation is laid in Parliament as soon as possible. I know the significance of these measures to many of you here today.”

Focus on Tackling Pitfalls Around Gambling Advertising  

Turning to advertising and sponsorship, which she said many would be aware of, has been of significant media and parliamentary interest recently. She said: “One of the biggest issues raised with me as gambling minister is advertising. I've tasked the industry with doing more to work together to ensure that gambling, advertising and sponsorship are responsible and don't exacerbate.

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Baroness Twycross and Grainne Hurst engaged in discussion on key reforms. (Image: BGC)

“I'm grateful to the BGC for coordinating this work across your membership and I understand and recognise that the ability to advertise is an important activity generally and a key advantage that licence operators have over the illegal market.

“We know that some people can feel they're being inundated with gambling advertising, and this can be especially true whilst watching sport. Crucially, we know that advertising can have a disproportionate impact on those who are already suffering from gambling harm, and we must also be vigilant.

“Adverse impacts on children and young people are a significant concern. So, I'm keen for the industry to take a lead in making a robust assessment of the scaling impacts of advertising so that we're working together with the best available evidence."

Baroness Pleased Gambling Commission Stepped up Against Illegal Market

Finally, the Baroness touched on the issue of the illegal market, which she said is of concern to many of the members of the BGC. The Baroness said: “Illegal gambling is a concern for us all, and we're committed to working very closely with the Gambling Commission and it's nice to see Andrew Rhodes addressing illegal gambling here today.

“I've heard your argument that overregulation leads to or risks displacement to the illegal market. We carefully considered this when developing the White Paper and making subsequent decisions.

“We believe that the reforms we've introduced together with the Gambling Commission are proportionate and targeted interventions. However, I agree that vigilance is vital when the illegal market threatens revenue for the licence sector and player protections for vulnerable customers.

“That is why I've been pleased that the Gambling Commission has increased disruption activity and has a renewed focus on finding innovative ways to tackle the illegal market."

Baroness Twycroft announced that on Tuesday, the crime and policing bill was introduced to Parliament. She said: “One of the provisions in this bill will give the Commission greater powers to move quickly and effectively to take down IP addresses and domain names associated with illegal websites.

“This is an important step in equipping the Commission to tackle the illegal market and protect legitimate businesses.”

Baroness Concluded by saying: “I want to continue meeting with you, listening to you and working with you to realise our shared vision of a better, safe and gambling industry. One that does contribute to the growth agenda, and I hope you're all as keen as I am to take these challenges on.”

Meet The Author

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Alan Evans
Alan Evans
News Writer News Writer

Most of my career was spent in teaching including at one of the UK’s top private schools. I left London in 2000 and set up home in Wales raising four beautiful children. I enrolled at University where I studied Photography and film and gained a Degree and subsequently a Masters Degree. In 2014 I helped launch a new local newspaper and managed to get front and back page as well as 6 filler pages on a weekly basis. I saw that journalism was changing and was a pioneer of hyperlocal news in Wales. In 2017 I started one of the first 24/7 free independent news sites for Wales. Having taken that to a successful business model I was keen for a new challenge. Joining the company is exciting for me especially as it is a new role in Europe. I am keen to establish myself and help others to do the same.

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