Grovesnor Victoria Casino Successful in Application to Amend Times to Sell Alcohol

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Land Based Casinos Law & Politics
Alan Evans

Updated by Alan Evans

News Writer

Last Updated 16th Sep 2024, 01:21 PM

Grovesnor Victoria Casino Successful in Application to Amend Times to Sell Alcohol

Grovesnor Victoria Casino in London has been granted permission to extend alcohol sales until 6 a.m. on weekends. (Image: Courtesy of The Vic)

The Grosvenor on the Edgeware Road in London has successfully applied for permission to amend its license to sell alcohol until 6 a.m. on the weekend in line with what they already do on weekdays.  

Two applications were made to Westminster City Council, one for the casino and one for the poker room. 

Peter Turpin, general manager for the casino, said that they were not looking to change their target customers and that the changes would not bring more people into the premises. 

Objections Made by Councillors and Local Associations

There were objections to the application from the Hyde Park Estate Association and Marylebone ward councillors. Councillors had claimed that the casino and neighbouring premises were ‘continuously pushing for more’. 

Cllr Aicha Less, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Public Protection, told “As a council, we always try to strike a balance to ensure we're supporting our city's nighttime economy, while also doing what's in the best interests of our residents and protecting the most vulnerable.” 

"In this case, based on the evidence presented, the committee made the decision to approve both applications whilst ensuring that strict conditions are adhered to.” she added.

The Hyde Park Estate Association said the application of “very late or all-night alcohol licences does not belong in areas next door to a high density of residential homes," adding, “We have to keep that balance between business and allowing those living close by to a reasonable peaceful night’s sleep.” 

Meet The Author

1 Year
Alan Evans
Alan Evans
News Writer News Writer

Most of my career was spent in teaching including at one of the UK’s top private schools. I left London in 2000 and set up home in Wales raising four beautiful children. I enrolled at University where I studied Photography and film and gained a Degree and subsequently a Masters Degree. In 2014 I helped launch a new local newspaper and managed to get front and back page as well as 6 filler pages on a weekly basis. I saw that journalism was changing and was a pioneer of hyperlocal news in Wales. In 2017 I started one of the first 24/7 free independent news sites for Wales. Having taken that to a successful business model I was keen for a new challenge. Joining the company is exciting for me especially as it is a new role in Europe. I am keen to establish myself and help others to do the same.

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