West Virginia iGaming and Sports Betting a Mixed Bag for October

Jim Tomlin

Updated by Jim Tomlin

Last Updated 14th Mar 2024, 07:22 AM

West Virginia iGaming and Sports Betting a Mixed Bag for October

The story for West Virginia online gambling in October was somewhat unpredictable.

As expected, handle for sports betting in the state rose last month compared to September. A full month of NFL and college football, plus playoff baseball, is bound to do that.

But wagering on sports was down in a year-over-year comparison with October 2021.

Handle for iGaming in West Virginia, on options such as online slots and table games, was up from September in a month-over-month comparison.

Here is more from the month in West Virginia.

West Virginia Sports Betting in October

The total amount bet in October on sports was $51,118,726, a 9.0% increase from the $46.9 million wagered in September, according to the West Virginia Lottery.

But last month’s total was a 17.1% decrease from the $61.7 million in October 2021.

It was a similar story for mobile sports betting handle, which was $42.1 million in October, a 13.2% rise from September’s $37.2 million but down 11.9% from the $47.77 million from 12 months earlier.

As far as revenue goes, the numbers told the opposite story.

The West Virginia September sports betting revenue was $6.97 million, 27.3% higher than the $5.06 million last month. But October’s figure was nearly double that of a year earlier – to be exact, an 89.9% increase from October 2021 ($2,667,222).

October’s state share of taxes was $430,473, down 27.3% from September ($592,459).

West Virginia Sports Betting, October vs. September

Total handleMobile handleRevenue
Change Up 9.0% Up 13.2% Down 27.3%

Note: West Virginia reports numbers weekly rather than by calendar month. October represents Oct. 2-29; September represents Sept. 4- Oct. 1.

Handle for West Virginia iGaming Rises

The handle for iGaming, including online roulette, hit $317,057,861 for October, up 12.4% from September ($282.17 million) for best online casino gaming.

However, just like sports betting, revenue for online gambling declined last month, falling 8.3% from $10.26 million in September to $9.4 million in October.

West Virginia calculates its online gaming and sports betting figures weekly rather than monthly as most states do. The October figures run from the four-week period between Oct. 2 and 29; for September it was the span from Sept. 4 to Oct. 1.

The best casino bonuses in West Virginia – and the other states where iGaming is legal and regulated – are at Casinos.com.

Meet The Author

6 Years
Jim Tomlin
Jim Tomlin

Jim Tomlin has more than 30 years of experience in sports journalism as an editor and writer. He has covered pro and college sports from football, baseball, basketball, soccer, golf, motorsports and more for publications such as the Tampa Bay Times, SaturdayDownSouth.com, SaturdayTradition.com and FanRag Sports. He now lends his expertise to Casinos.com, among other duties.

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