New Numbers: US Gaming Industry Provides $329B Impact

Dan Michalski

Updated by Dan Michalski

News Writer

Last Updated 14th Mar 2024, 07:22 AM

New Numbers: US Gaming Industry Provides $329B Impact

AGA President and CEO Bill Miller gave an optimistic outlook for the gaming industry to kick off G2E. (Photo: Global Gaming Expo)

The American Gaming Association on Monday released a new set of numbers quantifying the impact of casino gaming in the US. 

A new study, conducted by Oxford Economics, found that US tribal and commercial gaming contributes $328.6 billion to the US economy, supports 1.8 million jobs, and generates $52.7 billion in tax revenue to federal, state, and local governments. 

Oxford Economics, founded in 1981 as a commercial venture with Oxford University’s business college, is a leading independent economic advisory group. The AGA is the gaming industry’s national trade association

These numbers now become the facts that will underlie every push for expanded casino gambling in the US.

“The U.S. gaming industry delivers long-term growth and impact to communities, generating significant tax revenue, creating strong jobs, supporting local small businesses, and funding critical community priorities,” AGA President and CEO Bill Miller said during his State of the Industry address at G2E in Las Vegas on Tuesday. 

His speech at the Global Gaming Expo 2023 kicked off this year’s conference. 

Gaming Growth

Miller noted the US gaming industry’s post-pandemic rebound, with 10 consecutive quarters of growth.

"Gaming has never been more popular with American consumers" he said, pointing out growth across all facets of the industry. “This powerful momentum is happening across the board. Brick-and-mortar, manufacturing, mobile sports betting, and iGaming are all driving the industry to historic highs."

Miller also highlighted recent AGA research that suggests the American public recognizes the benefits of gaming,  with 71% of adults agreeing that casinos have a positive impact on the economy.

Workers, of course, contend they are not seeing the benefits of industry growth. On Thursday, members of the Culinary Union, which represents Las Vegas hospitality workers, will be picketing multiple casino propertie on the Strip.

Employment Boon

According to the Oxford study, casino workers across the country get paid $104 billion of wages and salaries.

Of the 1.8 million jobs attributed to the US gaming industry, 700,000 are “directly employed” by commercial or tribal casinos and the businesses that support them, across the US. The employment breakdown:

  • 332,000 - Commercial casinos 
  • 265,000 - Tribal casinos
  • 89,000 - Casino services (including construction)
  • 23,000 - Gambling equipment manufacturers

The $53 billion in taxes that casinos send to governments are used across the country to fund public education, social services, infrastructure, and economic development.

Non-gambling revenue – money generated from food and beverage, hotel rooms, and other entertainment expenses – accounted for nearly 17% of casino income in 2022. 

Meet The Author

22 Years
Dan Michalski
Dan Michalski
News Writer News Writer

Dan Michalski is a longtime journalist based in Las Vegas with nearly 20 years as a writer and editor covering poker, casino gaming and sports betting. As founder of Pokerati and an award-winning blogger, podcaster and news reporter, Dan has worked tirelessly to elevate the standards of journalism in gaming media. He also has served as a gaming industry consultant and holds advanced certificates in gaming regulation from UNLV. When not thinking about media and casinos, he can be found on the tennis courts, where he has captained two teams to USTA national championships, and one to second place.

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