Non-Anonymous Player Wins $1.9 Million Progressive on Three Card Poker at Venetian … and We Care!

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Poker Land Based Casinos
Dan Michalski

Updated by Dan Michalski

News Writer

Last Updated 18th May 2024, 04:38 PM

Joseph Nardello millionaire progressive at Venetian Three Card Poker

Get that man a G&T. And kudos to the Venetian (and their hardworking PR team at Kirvin Doak) for apparently hearing our whine last week about anonymous jackpot announcements. This time, they sent along a legit real-person seven-figure jackpot winner. 

On Friday, Joseph Nardello from Connecticut hit a $1.9 million progressive jackpot while playing Three Card Poker at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas. He appears to have bet $200, with an additional $200 on the “play” line, with a $5 side bet when he was dealt a spade royal flush. This activated the mega tier of the Millionaire Progressive for a total payout of $1,904,062. 

Only the spade royal flush qualifies for the Millionaire jackpot. The other suits still would’ve paid 1,000:1, but no million-and-a-half-dollar bonus.

The Millionaire Progressive is available on multiple table games throughout The Venetian and Palazzo casino floors including Ultimate Texas Hold’em, Three Card Poker, Let it Ride, Crazy 4 Poker and Mississippi Stud. The progressive was launched in 2018 and since then has hit 14 times for seven-figure paydays. 

While we always would love to know more about players such as Nardello, what jumps out at us as most fascinating about this hand is the general lack of excitement. He appears to be playing by himself – late at night we’re guessing – and in general, all around him, everyone else seems oblivious to the fact that nearly $2 million in chips are sitting on the table. 

Can't make it to the tables? Check out the best online poker sites for US players.

Color out!

(No word on how much he tipped the dealer.)

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22 Years
Dan Michalski
Dan Michalski
News Writer News Writer

Dan Michalski is a longtime journalist based in Las Vegas with nearly 20 years as a writer and editor covering poker, casino gaming and sports betting. As founder of Pokerati and an award-winning blogger, podcaster and news reporter, Dan has worked tirelessly to elevate the standards of journalism in gaming media. He also has served as a gaming industry consultant and holds advanced certificates in gaming regulation from UNLV. When not thinking about media and casinos, he can be found on the tennis courts, where he has captained two teams to USTA national championships, and one to second place.

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