Super Bowl Slots Extra Popular This Week for Some Reason

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Land Based Casinos
Dan Michalski

Updated by Dan Michalski

News Writer

Last Updated 14th Mar 2024, 07:22 AM

Super Bowl Slots Extra Popular This Week for Some Reason

Some popular slot games popping up all over Las Vegas this week are the various NFL and Super Bowl slots by Aristocrat Technologies. We're still learning how to measure the performance of individual slot titles, but for now we can simply say anecdotally they seem to be everywhere. 

The machines seen in the photos here are at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, right outside the Super Bowl media room. 

NFL Slot Receivers

The two Super Bowl-themed games are Super Bowl Jackpots and Super Bowl Link, which only recently started appearing on casino floors. 

They are two of five NFL titles unveiled last year. The others are NFL Kickoff, Overtime Cash and Winning Drive.  These NFL-branded titles have been showing up at more Las Vegas casinos, too, as the city decorates itself for the coming big game.  A sixth NFL slot in Aristocrat's portfolio, Rings of Victory, hasn't been released yet. 

"Machines have been being added across the country almost on a daily basis," Aristocrat spokesperson Chelsea Eugenio tells, confirming our supposition that these NFL games are extremely popular right now. "One our newest titles, Super Bowl Link, debuted several weeks ago, with many Las Vegas casinos as some of the first to receive it."

Super Bowl slot games by Aristocrat

The new Super Bowl themed slot machines by Aristocrat are ubiquitous around Las Vegas casinos this week. (Images: John Angelillo / UPI / Alamy)

Big Game Betting

Super Bowl Jackpots features a timed 2-minute drill, a field-goal kicking bonus, and a million-dollar progressive jackpot

Super Bowl Link uses a slot architecture similar to Aristocrat's popular Dragon Link game. The narrative (yes, slots have storylines, I have come to learn) is that you are trying to spin your chosen team to the Super Bowl. 

The NFL slot games all give players the ability to choose a team (and even can switch it mid-game) to determine the imagery and theme songs they're trying to line up for spins and wins.

Here are a few videos from slots vloggers showing the Super Bowl slots game play:

If you want to know where you can play these Super Bowl slot games, in Las Vegas or anywhere else, here's Aristocrat's slot finder page

Meet The Author

22 Years
Dan Michalski
Dan Michalski
News Writer News Writer

Dan Michalski is a longtime journalist based in Las Vegas with nearly 20 years as a writer and editor covering poker, casino gaming and sports betting. As founder of Pokerati and an award-winning blogger, podcaster and news reporter, Dan has worked tirelessly to elevate the standards of journalism in gaming media. He also has served as a gaming industry consultant and holds advanced certificates in gaming regulation from UNLV. When not thinking about media and casinos, he can be found on the tennis courts, where he has captained two teams to USTA national championships, and one to second place.

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